We are pleased to have you join us in worship today! If you are a first time visitor, we would love to get to know you better. Please fill out the “Worship Response” and place it in the offering.
It’s our prayer that this weekend’s worship experience will be a blessing to you. If God has used this ministry to inspire you in any way, please take a few moments and send us an email at Onecoolrev@gmail.com or send us a message on Facebook @ Pomona Christian Fellowship. We’re always encouraged to hear how God is using this ministry to inspire people through what he is doing right here at PCF. Also, please pray in support of this ministry and help us bring a worship experience just like this one to you each week. Thanks again for worshiping with us! Now prepare your hearts to hear a Word from God…
To proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that people far from God will be raised to life in Him. We exist to make Jesus known.
PCF Church believes that advancing God’s Kingdom doesn’t come through new ways of doing church but through the ancient way — faithful preaching and teaching the unchanging Word of God within a changing culture. PCF Church teaches faith in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, as the only way to eternal life.
PCF Church is a local community of believers unified through faith in Christ. It is committed to the teachings of Christ and obeying all of His commands and it seeks to bring the Gospel to the world. The Church works together in love and unity, intent on the ultimate purpose of glorifying Jesus Christ.
PCF Church believes in:
-Teaching the Word of God.
-Keeping Jesus at the center.
-Believing big and starting small.
-Being contributors not consumers.
-Doing more by doing less.
-Honoring one another to glorify God.
-Embracing our limitations.
-Expressing gratitude.
-Seeing what God can do through you.
Coffee Fellowship// @ 9:30 am– Join us before service starts for fellowship while having a coffee and donut.
Men’s Bible Study–This is going to be a men’s study through the book of 2 Samuel via “Zoom.” See Pastor Eddie for more details.
Love Life Prayer Walk–(Every Saturday at 8:30am. Meet at the church) Praise the Lord! Come on out to walk and pray for unborn children and their mothers. We meet for a short time of devotion and worship, followed by a prayer walk around Planned Parenthood. This is a blessed way to get involved and put your faith into action. See you there!
~The Wilkerson Family as J.D. & Jason are recovering from health issues. Pray for strength and healing.
~Pastor Eddie’s mother Ruby, who is in need of healing, and for his father Edward, who is her caregiver.
~All families dealing with the rise in COVID and for healthcare workers and first responders who are putting themselves at risk to provide help for others.